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Send us a Message

WUMI’S has enabled secure online payment so you can conclude your take-out orders cashless. Simply turn up at the Bistro, indicate your name or order number, and pick up your meal. It is that simple. If you are at a table at the poolside, you may scan the QR Code on the table, make your order, and pay online and indicate your table. We will deliver to you as if a waiter took your order. Hassle-Free Transaction!

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About wumi’s™

Doha Bistro by Wumi’s
Corinth Hall
Anglican Centre (Religious Complex)
Abu Hammour

PHONE NUMBER: +974 5517 1993

Dine-in Hours


9:00am – 9:00pm

Delivery Hours


9:00am – 9:00pm

Takeout Hours


9:00am – 9:00pm